
Random as usaul

Life is cold here in the great North. With a predicted high of -1 degrees tomorrow and wind chill expected at -20 my heart turns to one thing. Homeless people and how many we will lose to this brutal cold. Having been homeless myself for a period of time they take a special place in my heart. While most are seen as druggies or alcoholics, some just got put there because that was the card's life dealt them. Or more likely because someone, somewhere didn't step up to help them. And in cold winters like this many turn to drugs and alcohol not because they desire it, but because it increases body temperature. Anyways, because of this I am listing some local homeless shelters that could use any donation or time you could give them. Many places don't have a place for homeless people at night, many won't help, and because of that people die in the bitter cold with no one to turn to.

Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

On a less serious note, Valentines day is coming up, also know as "Single's Awareness Day." Either way you choose to celebrate the holiday it should be celebrated with your best friend! This holiday is an excuse to pig out on chocolate, much like Halloween, but also an excuse to watch cheesy romantic movies and drag your date (if you have one) to that chick flick he doesn't want to watch. Trust me, that action makes it so much more frightening than any other holiday of the year, AWESOME!  Some fun ideas, find a valentine's e-mail generator they have everything from XXX to just friends for these and usually they are hilarious to read here's one i found: http://www.crazyhoroscopes.com/love-letter-generator2.php. You could also buy some cheap glasses at the dollar store, paint them, and fill them up with valentine's candy. Those are just a couple of sweet ideas for anyone important in your life this February 14th.
All poems should be this great

The most interesting thing in the news this week was the official succession of Southern Sudan. Their actual independence wont be declared until this summer, but it's a big step froward and hopefully a step away from the civil war that has killed approximately 2 million people. But as one conflict ends another starts in Egypt, there are many riots going on in the streets. Hopefully this issue is resolved. Other than that the only things reported in the news was a video of a baby eating grapefruit. So exciting haha.

The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young


Happy New Year!

I am on vacation this week. Oddly I do not want to fix the breaks on the car, go to the doctor, or even make dinner. I just want to sit on my butt all day and play video games. I wish I was this spoiled in highschool when I had the time to sit on my butt! So far what has been accomplished since my last post has been the retrieving of my husband, Christmas, new year, and my cousins wedding! The makings of a great start for 2011! We got an amazing Teflon pots and pans set for Christmas, which resulted in splurging money to make an amazing crab dinner. We bought some cheap champagne for new years, which we popped open...and then we didn't really feel like drinking haha. It went back in the fridge and in the morning we found it spilled all over the floor and in the drawers of our refrigerator. I made homemade pancakes from an online recipe, which weren't that great. Bisquick is better I think. Overall, completely not exciting.
Our fancy crab dinner, it was amazing!

With the New Year I believe in reflecting, not creating new goals for things I can't predict. I've often found goals are made to be broken lol. So some things I have learned:
1. when you live in the country, city drivers are CRAZY. But somehow when you live in the city, country drivers are NUTS!
2. There is a difference between baking soda and baking powder, confusing these can really screw up a recipe...
3. no matter how careful you are, or your age, your legal identity can still be stolen (and it SUCKS!)
4. getting legally married is not near as difficult as everyone makes it out to be, nor does it cost much
5. there are some things worth giving up everything for
6. It is very difficult to find a better feeling than using proper cooking supplies
7. It is very difficult to find something more frightening then the first time you truly tell your parents "no"
8. When you feel like no one was there for you, it is much better to be there for someone else than to seek revenge against lost friends
9. Being homeless makes you really appreciate any home; tent, car, or ghetto apartment; much much more
10. Sometimes you really need to stop caring if you look girly, and cry it out
11. Love can't conquer the bills, or find a home, or even get you food to eat. But it conquers the pain you carry with you, supports you when you fall, and sustains the parts of your spirit that defines who you are.
the year that rocks

The "In's and Out's" for 2011 according to Larisa:
The Color Purple
Evil Vampires
Cooking (this is always "in")

Family Dollar (where everything is not a dollar)
A Missing Husband
Movie Sequels (and 3rds...and 4ths...and prequels...)
Walls painted White
skinny jean have been (thankfully) declared "out" and I'm all for the leather!

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." ~Miss Piggy