
Just rambling...

I have no followers or anyone who reads this blog, but the Internet is entirely about insulting people with your honest personal opinions or that...um *cough*weird naked stuff *cough.* Since I'm not getting into anything quite THAT awkward I'm just going to post pointless stuff that entertains me, and maybe every once and a while insult everyone with an opinion that is different than theirs! Cause without people taking all their beliefs so personally we wouldn't have wars...which would be...bad...i think....instead of thinking about that lets all just look at this pretty picture! (www.bymichaelo.com)
Does everyone feel better and distracted now? Good!

Today I learned that the closer we get to the future the closer the world gets to total globalization. I don't just mean because I can talk to my friend in Egypt on the facebook page based in the United States with the tech support in India. I mean that the world is seeing a more equal market, more equal life spans, and even a more equal birth rate...other than the middle east they really don't seem updated on the Internet yet. But even though the world statistically is growing so similar we all still embrace our separate cultures. So globalization isn't so much joining the "cool crowd" at highschool as much as it's just the giant mesh of highschoolers themselves. Everyone different, but all in the same place, we even label the "clicks" according to the country they live in and make stabbing remarks about other people we don't know thing about! Ah and you thought you were too old for highschool drama. But enough with the metaphor before i start labeling whole countries as emos or preps.
Does he look Lithuanian to you?

Tonight at midnight marks the release of Harry Potter 7:part 1. Tonight, HP geeks everywhere are dressing in their best nerd costumes and trying their very hardest not to just start screaming joyously (and weirdly) in the streets. We will all go into the crowded movie theater together, buy outrageously overpriced and stale popcorn, and we will stubble out exhausted at 2 in the morning so we can sleep well tonight, knowing that it will still be in theaters for at least 2 more months. At least it's not about vampires.

With that I leave you this simple quote to think about, "Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

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