
Happy Holidays...I think?

My husband and I just had a wonderful thanksgiving! You know that holiday about blah blah Indians blah blah pilgrims who gave all the Indians disease blah blah FOOOOODDDD!!!!!!! Yes, food, who doesn't love it? Turkey death sentences are made across the world in the occasion for our American holiday, and oh does mass turkey murder taste so good! So this year in honor of this great American holiday I cooked my first turkey. I got home from work that afternoon running in to start cooking the turkey (I even stayed in my work clothes, since I work in a deli and cook raw chicken all day in them anyway) and after cleaning the turkey, I realized I hadn't gotten out my oven bag. In enters my husband and our neighbor joey, cutting onions, helping me with the oven bag, shouting, running, and all shoved into our tiny one-bedroom apartment joke of a kitchen. After taking the turkey in and out of the oven bag several times we finally got it right, and we were covered in turkey juice. The dinner was oddly enough, a success! I hope you all had good luck on your thanksgivings too.
this picture speaks for itself, with a sign!

Now that the Thanksgiving holiday is over we come to the most mass produced, overdone, and loved holiday of the year. Christmas! People splurge entire paychecks on this holiday, so they can load presents underneath the tree. My husband and I have an imaginary tree...because we are too poor to buy one...and underneath it you find... absolutely no presents. Haha, looks like the ghetto will be celebrating the true meaning of Christmas this year. Which would be the $20 an hour I get if I work Christmas day, right?
selling your soul to the devil...i mean money
No, in all seriousness, I'm happy to be celebrating a real Christmas this year with my husband. It will be a little difficult knowing my extended family still isn't in the mood for the holidays, but maybe I can butt in anyway, cause I'm always so polite haha. God has really blessed us this year, and I am happy to be celebrating that, with or without presents. Jesus truly is the greatest gift and I am reminded of His love everyday. Ghetto Christmas really isn't that bad after all.
"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy" ~Psalms 126:3

And, of course, your quote to think about for the day "Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." ~Hamilton Wright Mabie

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